What is Islam?

What is Islam?

If a non-Muslim man asks this question ( What is Islam? ) ........ I think that any Muslim are asked this question would respond spontaneously ( Islam is the witness that no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger , but is this everything ? ..................... what the real meaning of this sentence ?

After that , in fact, say the word man begins the tale that either goes in the right way and understand the meaning and either break down the meaning and differ vision and be a lack of balance and thus spoke of the disaster and the distortion of Islam, and thus breaks down everything.

First, we must understand something ........ Islam is the religion of the beginning of all the prophets from Adam , through Noah , Abraham, Moses , Jesus and all the prophets, even the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him .

These are some of the evidence from the Koran.

God said: " When he sensed their disbelief, Isa said of Amstar to God said to the Apostles Amstar Allah We believe in Allah and I bear witness PANDA Muslims " Sarah Al Iran AT 52

" McCann Ibrahim Jew nor a Christian, but it was upright, a Muslim and was idolaters " the 64 A Iran

The witches who believe, " Lord , we emptied the Sabra and Ova Muslims "

" And recite to them the news of Noah as he said to his people : O my people that the larger you mausoleums and reminding me of the revelations of God For God I trust AMA Onramp and your partner then do not not commanded you his chagrin then execute the judgment to nor do you see (71) van you assumed what I asked of the reward is only on God and ordered to be Muslims , " Ungues A 71-72 .

So when he says the right Almighty " that the religion with Allah is Islam " does not mean that the religion of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him , but only means that Islam in its destruction , which reached all the prophets of Islam as meaning .......... and as a principle and against the stubbornness and arrogance and infidelity and the war on the right whatever .

Islam , in fact, a great word that is greater than the optimal talking about , but at the same time so simple that anyone understands simple .

Islam is simply everything Fade against all Ralph , an instinct that our fast by God , it is possible to understand that a human being is not a scholar of jurisprudence what is right and what is wrong and what is indicated by the words of the master of creation ( I'm between the Sacred between ) and also quoted ( Consult your heart ) .

Islam is not a complex set of books of fish and not an endless list of hall and harm , but simply everything beautiful and good and everything reconstructing the life of love and at the same time is everything to defend the truth and fight falsehood , Messenger peace be upon him , when he said about the party curiosity if invited him I answered in Islam to mean that he was standing with the right and virtue whatever even if it Palmation infidels or heathens .

When decreed a total of companions a man whom he has cleaned up from Jana In his head wound and he died the man told them you kill your companion , for they understood Islam as a religious ritual and overlooked all these rituals but proceeded in the interest of the Muslim conflicted with it was opposed to Islam itself.

Some people said he was asked about the meaning of Islam, he told you the testimony , prayer and fasting , Zak and Hajj , and hall harm and so on .......... It is in this sense Islam is not completely understood , because this ritual is something that is not characteristic of Islam, they are in all religions even though in Islam at best incomplete forms .......... These rituals or worship but Allah legislated to be a charger of human energy in order to popularize the ground and staying Islam but Islam is not the same and that they are the pillars of Islam that means it's staff, which supports the this edifice even takes place without them collapsing edifice because the man when he does virtue God be pure face Faso out and transcend life , either he do it to humans will do disgrace with not see human beings , and this is against the principles of Islam , Islam is ennobled humans to transcend and reconstructing the land on which they live every creatures . the Messenger of God

The first word pronounced man to be granted a certificate aims mainly to the consolidation ...... unification of God idol ........... Why ? ............. Because God is one God, the Creator of everything , a unit capable of everything and worthy of worship ........... When we worship Fred thus deny Cambodian Per things and succumb to God and then succumb to the right, Tsai life in the system and one of love and peace prevail , because he in this case, the ruling will not fear only God Feel , not afraid to convict , but God says the truth and grant victory to the oppressed , and every human being on the face of the earth will not be afraid , but God will not do harm to Feel end up outside of human injustice occurs desired goal of Islam ......... so .... is not a word uttered without the application of work or , if she was to have had a meaning , as amended , that God made reverting in the balance as stated in the admit Quads .

But the testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , it is the recognition of the Prophet of this nation , which seal the messages so that there is the testimony of applied and applied and then everything comes to a hostile Muslim nation which leads to bloodshed , as we see in our time when the name of religion as the Jews and Christians .

So begins the testimony of Islam, There is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and stems of each sense.

After that comes the Quran and Sunni to clarify its meaning and help from his heart mist of ignorance that the smog , and comes because the Prophet peace be upon him " was sent to complete Maarten " ethics at the head of words that show us what is Islam , Vetoed thus understand the clear and explicit Islam does not require that be recognized as a scientist, which as we have said that Islam is both a virtue and against all Ralph .

So this huge number of Muslims and Islam who have inherited from their parents whether they are Muslims Really?

In fact, every Muslim must have a clear picture of Islam, so that a non-Muslim to understand the meaning of Islam, once you see it and deal with it .

It must be that combines self-esteem and a sense of pride and self-confidence for belonging to this religion and good to deal with between the Muslim and non-Muslim out of compassion , strength and dignity .

You must understand that any human being when he sees Muslims that Muslims adhere to their faith and ordering them to the highest ethics , which in addition to religious rituals , which is untouched Mara Mullah top and transcends their lives and it is not Islam itself .

If Islam is so simple why all these terms and Hall and Hara veil ............ ?

For example, give the rule of the veil in Islam , why impose this restriction on Islam women? ........ We say that Islam is a guard for every virtue and mind of every Ralph If we apply this rule to this rule we see that Islam wanted to be immune to all women what Osama Balers and protected from all punk and protects society from every relationship is SEEN and enveloping membrane protects women and protects the community , and offered them a commodity or commodities as a promoter wants the advocates of freedom.

Thus every rule in Islam is a means of protecting morals and the protection of the soul and spirit and the flesh of all damage caused to them .

Hence understand Islam simply whatever was in it from the provisions of the important books which abounded .