nteresting islam facts

I guess "someone" must intensify and make a stand for what is right and good islam facts
. I assume that "someone"islam facts should open to explain what is really happening with Islam and Muslims in America. I guess "someone" must talk and talkies facts . Yes, "someone" must speak and speak ...islam facts

- I guess "someone" is me .. " - Kyushu Estes, 12 December 2013 muslim rules
About Sharia islam facts
Listen carefully and do not take this out of context ...islam facts
Sharia is all about islam facts
" rights and limitations " , and everything in God's creation have these rights,islam facts
 but all must respect the " limitations ." Everything comes at different levels depending on the state of creation before God Almighty.
Obviously, God Almighty is the first and foremost the rights of all , that He alone is the Creator and Sustainer of the whole universe . While the rest of creation will be in obedience to His commandments.muslim practices
Which after God Almighty must have the " next level " of rights?muslim rules
Good question -
Think - Who is the best and latest creation of God Almighty?islam facts - Adam ( This word actually represents the whole of humanity on the way - as the son of Adam, also means "human beings" ) .islam facts The human being is the next in the line of duty . And indeed, this is how we find the condition that we can not control all live in the universe or even our own little world. But we have options and are in authority over the rest of the earth.
True or not ?islam facts Humans have the first level of "choice" - after the Will of God ( commandments ) . Therefore, we can make good or bad decisions - is ours!islam facts The rest of the priorities of our planet fall into something like this :
islam facts     First - Allah Almighty muslim rules
    Human life ( human life afraid , after the worship of God - and mom is at the top of the list)
    Animal life ( all living beings)islam facts
    Vegetation ( the lifetime of the plant)muslim practices
    Water (approximately given fluid to maintain that life offers us. Do not waste )
    Minerals ( all and every kind of mineral should be treated with respect, because everything comes from God )islam facts
However, humans also have levels according to Islam ( many people and even some Muslims fail this part of the test)islam facts
Which after God Almighty should have most of the rights of all human beings?muslim rules
The messengers who are sent with the message that the secret of life - here and in the Hereafter , IE the prophets , peace be upon them all islam facts. It starts with and includes:

    Adam - the first and most important of all human beings facts
    Abraham - Famous for its total and complete submission to the will of God (remember when he was ready to sacrifice his only son , after waiting 90 years for a child? )
    Isostatic , Ishmael , Jacob, Moses , David, Solomon , John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and Muhammad the Seal of the Prophets , peace be upon them all .
    The concept here is to these great men are the only God, and as such must be obeyed when they order people to do anything under the authority of one God.muslim practices
And who ?islam facts
Who would have most of the rights , after God and His prophets?muslim http://muslimreligionisthebest.blogspot.com/rules
( Prepare yourself for a big surprise )

    His mother - who is right. Sharia says his mother has more right after religion.
    And after islam facts? Your mother , again!
    And who ? Again, your mother!
    And after ? Again, Sharia Islam says - YOUR MOTHER

Then who?islam facts After Almighty God and the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him, and his mother, his mother, his mother - Who ?

Then her father.

This immediately shows the favor of the mother before Almighty God, even parental rights . So make no mistake about it , Islam can not and will not tolerate liars who say that men can abuse women in any way , shape or form.

When Islam arrived in the Arabian desert , there are more than 1400 years , we find the inhabitants of the desert are the best hosts to their customers, even strangers.

But it was the worst in the treatment of women. This, as they use to take a new girl born in the desert and bury him alive in the burning sands and left her to die.

This is beyond human belief . However, is that Islam came to correct.islam facts
Sharia serious offer authentic PROOF everything you say here , from the sources of Islam , namely:islam facts
    Qur'an (which means " recitation " comes from a word meaning " to recite something" ) Reciting the word of God (literally God's words ) He came to Muhammad , peace be upon him , by God, by the Holy Spirit ( Ruth Quads ) or Fibril ( angel Gabriel ) in a cave at the top of the Mountain of Light , on the outskirts of Aka ( Backlash in the Qur'an and the Bible in Genesis . )
    Verses came gradually over a period of 23 years and the revelation is still recited in exactly the same way , the verse verse , word for word, letter for letter , and point by point - exactly the same and ALL in Arabic by all Muslims ( over 1.5 million).
    It is the only book on earth, if we lost all the books of the land - and even waited a year , we could bring in the memories of those who memorize everything from beginning to end ( today reported that more twenty million people who have committed the entire Quran to memory) .

   islam facts  Sunni (meaning "road" and was peace "Way of Muhammad " be upon him) . Again, all each of his words , teachings, habits , likes and dislikes with all stages of worship was saved by the same people who also memorized the Qur'an and transmitted by word of mouth and in writing, even to this day .islam facts
In the Qur'an and Sunni , the last prophet ( Muhammad , peace be upon him) we find some very interesting and beautiful teachings , confirming what came to us from our Lord and what people had arrived before us also .islam facts
Islam does not call for us to "hate" - rather invites us to "love" everything you can, and be tolerant and "patient" with things that can not love . muslim rules
Islam does not call us to reject the teachings and beliefs of Adam , Abraham, Moses , David, Solomon and Jesus Christa , peace be upon them all.islam facts
In fact , Islam explains what really brought and how to adapt it for the people of his time.

There's more to it - but for now  muslim rules , we will offer some of our websites to clarify details about all this :islam facts
    www.WhatsIslam.com foundations of beliefs and actions for Muslims muslim rules
    www.GodAllah.com how and why Muslims believe in one God (Allah) ?muslim rules
    What 's www.AllahsQuran.com Quran muslim rules
( Koran is best when it is recited ) and translation of meanings islam facts
  muslim rules  www.ScienceIslam.com See for yourself the evidence of the Qur'an and the Sunni , muslim rules predictions, prophecies and events predicted here today. islam facts

    www.ProphetOfIslam.com Who is Muhammad , peace be upon him ? What other really say, you know what?islam facts
    www.IslamTomorrow.com / Purpose Find out what our purpose on earth is really all muslim practices    www.ConvertsReverts.com View videos of people in the world who tell why they came to Islam
    muslim rules www.IslamTomorrow.com/points What you really need to be a " true Muslim "?

OK to burn the Koran ? muslim practices
- Here's the proof : www.IslamNewsroom.com/news-we-need/3D rules
muslim rules An example of Sharia and it really teaches the same surprise of some Muslims. As - Burning the Koran. Obviously, islam facts
 nobody wants to see his slandered or defamed faith, nor do most of us to be comfortable with someone burn our texts Pervious muslim practices
whether religious or otherwise islam facts.

However, Sharia Islam does not insist on the death of all that the Koran burning  muslim rules
. Depends on the conditions . In fact, it can be a shock ,muslim practices
 sometimes reality requires Sharia Quran to be burned - especially in old manuscripts islam facts
 , worn and broken books that no longer serve their purpose. muslim rules
8 These links are part of the network Share Islam ,muslim practices