muslim rules

1) muslim rules  Dancing is allowed in islam, but dancing with the opposite sex is not. allah Women can dance with women and men can dance around other men. muslim rules
 Even if people from the same gender dance together there are certain rules to follow, islam chat
this dancing and the songs danced to must not stimulate other people's desires.muslim rules allah
Same goes for sports,  muslim rules
 games and matches are allowed as long as they do not involve both sexes. islam chat
> Activities that may cause seduction and corruption are not allowed allah. Foul words are prohibited on the ground.muslim rules
2) We have our own islamic dress code:muslim rules
Women have to cover all their body with loose fitting clothes islam chat
,  allah except for their hands and face.muslim rules
Men have to cover from the knee up to the navel.muslim rules
3) It depends on the parents, and what you mean by strict.
80% of students in my "mixed" college (in an arab muslim countries) are girls, most of whom come from religious families. They also mix with guys, only when necessary of course.muslim rules
Some families are very strict to the point they don't let their daughters/sons out of the house, but the majority don't follow those tradition, they're not islamic. islam chat
. We do whatever we want as long as we do not disobey Allah swtmuslim rules
When you visit an arab country, you will be surprised of the amount of un-strictness you're gonna witness. We're not at all what many imagine, we work, go to malls, dress up with the latest trends (as long as the clothes follow the code", we go to restaurants and cafes, we travel, etc..muslim rules
All is allowed but again as long as it follows the rules of islam.allah
4) It's allowed in islam to get to know the person before you get married. Let's assume you met him at work, he visits your parents and asks their permission to get to know you better.muslim rules
By that you can meet but only with supervision, you cannot touch/kiss or get involved sexually.muslim rules
You can write a contract, that's what we do in my country, it's called "writing the book".. by doing that you can meet with your fiance with no supervision, you can touch and do whatever (sexual intercourse is still prohibited, it's only allowed when you're both declared married in front of people), you can go out and stay late, etc.. the only disadvantage is that when this contract is canceled, you'll both be considered "divorced".
The girl and the guy MUST give their approval for all of this.

5) We pray five obligatory prayers a day, this is how rules
We can also add non-obligatory prayers. It's one of the most important pillars in islam, the prophet pbuh said that it's the thin line between belief and disbelief.

We have five important pillars:
1) the testimony, that there's no God but Allah (literally there's no God but the "one and only God") and Muhammad pbuh is His prophet.
2) Offering the five prayers
3) Fasting during the month of ramadan.
4) Giving charity
5) Pilgrimage to makkah at least once a year for those capable financially and physically.