islam facts

islam facts is one of the largest groups of devotees among the major world religions islam online . However, it is one of the most misunderstood of all religions as well. His concepts were wrapped around the islam facts" jihadist terrorists " self-appointed ,allah who only use religion for their own evil objectives to rule the world . However, we are not preaching the teachings of the Holy Book of Islam , the Koran. What they preach is his own beliefs in the name of religion .islam facts

Although there are many misconceptions that people have about Islam allah , here are five of the most common that the Western world has this religion misconceptions.

# 1 - The meaning of jihad islam facts


Jihadist terrorists that claim as part of Islam are not actually the teachings of the Quran ( Image Source )islam facts

islam onlineThe word " jihad " are the most misunderstood words on Islam and is often used as evidence that Islam encourages violence . It is, however ,islam facts not entirely true. Islam does not advocate the killing of innocent people, even if they are non-Muslims. People who use this word to promote violence only to meet their own objectives.islam facts allah

islam onlineThe word " jihad " in Arabic means actually fighting or trying . Jihad can mean different things depending on the context . One of the highest forms of jihad is the struggle against himself , which means simply to fight against their evil inclination and try to be a better human being .islam facts

Jihad can simply refer to the efforts of parents to teach their children the right way . Earn the appreciation of others for the good intentions of the one, or the sweetness of the language is also a form of jihad. The key factor is to fight hard to improve his soul and society as a whole.islam facts

Indeed, jihad refers to pick up the sword too, but not for the murder of innocents. In fact, the combative jihad is only permitted in the Koran for self defense. You are allowed to pick up the sword in the war against oppression and tyranny.

This is no different than any other religion in the world. Most world religions allow an individual to fight when attacked . Self-defense is permitted and indeed encouraged in most religions. Therefore, it is in Islam.

This is clearly expressed in the following verses of the Quran :

"Fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight you , but transgress not . Allah loveth not transgressors. " (Quran 2:190 )islam facts

" If they seek peace, then seek peace . " (Quran 8:61 )