What is the Koran?


What is the Koran?

Language: Koran the word in the source language is synonymous with reading and refers to the verse: { We have collected and the Koran . If we read } follow the Koran , and said: It is derived from the words, read followed . It was: It is derived from the words, read it and villages collect water in the tub if collected

In Islam : the Koran is the word of Allah, which the old revealed to His Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him verbally and meaning of the worshiper Jazz read out and bring about the creation of such shorter Supra of it, said the Sunnis Word of God is a creature home .

It is written in the Koran Mahout 's breasts post tongues audible ears and not the words of one of the creatures who pledged to Allahsaved ( ( I mentioned we went to him and I privates ) ) (stone : 9 ), which is the Constitution of the Muslims ; Wrath worship , and reflection in which worship , and his duty . The closer a person achieve and application of ethics in it , the closer of the form Mohammad which is the optimal model for human beings , it also said the mother of believers Aisha , may Allah be : ( Koran was created ) .

Palatal Balboa of the best acts of worship either read out or masterminding sense is the basis of religion was deposited God in him aware of everything it includes provisions and laws , proverbs , governance and sermons , history and system of the universe , what to leave something of matters of religion , but between him nor of system the universe and of life , but explained .. Allah Almighty said : ( (Those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend it a mockery and openly, hope trade will never fail , Offend wages and increase them of His bounty, he is forgiving thanks ) ) ..

He says : ( (down to you the Book in truth, confirming what his hands and sent down the Torah and the Bible ) ) ..

And says: " inn you book the right " means inn you Koran , Mohammed right No doubt, no doubt , but is the home of God revealed knowledge and the angels bear witness, and enough is Allah and saying, " confirming the hands " of any of the books downloaded earlier from the sky on worshipers of God and the prophets, they believe him what I told him and ushered in a long time ago, which is unbelievable because I told him what floor and ushered from the promise of God to send Muhammad peace be upon him and take down the Holy Qur'an it. And he said , " and revealed the Torah " on any Musa bin Iran " and the Bible " on any Jesus, son of Mary, peace be upon them .

He says : ( ( This is a statement to the people , a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah ) )

He says : " This is a statement to the people ," the statement means the Koran things Elect Nations and how it was with the ancient enemies " , a guidance and an admonition " means the Koran in which the news of what came before you , a guidance and an admonition to the heart of any injunction for incest and in sin ..

Description of the Prophet peace be upon him the Holy Qur'an

Says, may Allah bless him and his family and him: { The Book of Allah , the Almighty in which the news of what came before you and the news is after you, and the rule is among you , is a chapter that is not Bahia from the left of the mighty frail God is Pty HUD in other bounty of Allah , a rope of Allah solid , it is the Holy Quran , which is the straight path , which is that it does not turn aside the passions nor confused by the tongues of scientists do not saturate it does not create a large number of replies and do not expire wonders } Timid narrated in the novel: { which is not over gin as I heard that , say we heard screamed Roan } ..

Who told him sincerity and judgment by justice and the work of the reward and stick with it guidance to the straight path and told the governor Abdullah bin Mastoid may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : ( This Qur'an banquet God piled from Adapt what you can this Qur'an rope God durable and light reflected and healing successful infallibility of those who stick with it and the survival of those who followed not Gaza Vista not pervert who shall not create a frequent reply Aloha Allah will reward you for reading each letter ten good deeds , but I will not say pain thousand characters, but the letter and the letter L and M characters ) ..

Narrated Abdullah bin Mastoid may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: (The Koran this banquet of God , Adapt They learned from what you can . This Qur'an rope of God , and the light is reflected and the infallibility of the beneficial healing stick with it , and escape followed , shall not pervert , and not Gaza Vista , and does not expire wonders , and does not create for the large number of replies , God reward you for reading every letter ten good deeds while I do not say : Did the letter , but I say a thousand symbols and the letter L and M characters . Alvin and not one of you taking one of his legs leaves to read Supra, and the yellow houses from scratch goodness home of the Book of Allah) and the ruling Barbarian Mustafa and Bazaar .

And Timid and recaps from the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Gabi Tali, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him says : ( will be mesmerized as spare dark night , I said: O Messenger of Allah ! And what filmmaker them? Said : the Book of Allah the Almighty , the news from you after you from the news , and the rule is among you , is not Bahia chapter , from the left of the mighty Allah frail , and from Pty HUD in other bounty of Allah  , is the strong rope of God , and the light reflected and said al-Hakim , and the path is the rectum, and is the one who does not turn aside its prejudices , and not confused by the tongues , and his views do not diverge , and scientists are not full of it , and not Mullah pious , and does not create a large number of replies , and does not expire wonders , and is not finished Gin as I heard that , say we heard the Koran screamed , his knowledge of the science of the foregoing, and told him of the sincerity , and by the rule of justice , and of the work of the reward , and called to him from the guidance to the straight path ) ..

Muslim narrated from Abu Hurray may Allah be pleased with him , said : The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : ( from the same insured plight of anguish minimum , the same Allah about the plight of the anguish the Day of Resurrection , and from pleased to pinching , Allah be pleased with him in this world and Hereafter , and of God's jacket cover for granted in this world and the Hereafter , and God help the slave was slave helps his brother , and from wire to seek a way in which God is the easy way to paradise , and what people who met in the house of God , reciting the Book God and studying them but I got them quiet and fainted mercy , and the angels and Allah who has mentioned , and of slower do not speed up its lineage )

Muslim narrated from Omar Bin Al Heatable may Allah be pleased with him , that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( (Allah raises some people in this book and it puts others ) ) Narrated by Muslim ..

Ana may Allah be pleased with him : that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( The principal property of the Koran is read from a non-Arab or Arabic film Icomh his people, King then lifted the mainstay ) ) Shirazi in titles ..

Winning intercession : And Umaamah Baahili may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Prophet peace be upon him says : ( ( Read the Koran it comes doomsday intercessor for its companions ) ) Narrated by Muslim , talk like him believing heart that he loves to read the Koran day and night , whenever he found time flew longing to him , he reassured the generosity of the Lord .. Koran to be an intercessor him .. Imagine ... Comes the Day of Resurrection and intercede for you Koran .. Oishva you the Book of Allah and freshen up ! ? Othacb account difficult ! ? ..

The virtues of reading the Holy Qur'an

One of the greatest doors vulva Quran recitation , explaining the chest and removes the worry and sadness go . Because no matter how human bone grief and anguish it has intensified forget all that when he sat with his lover and Vajah word , it has the sweetest nor the most expensive of that conversation , he forgets all his concerns ..

So distressed if he read the Koran , it finds the fun and joy of connecting to his heart and his mind and take its core . This may Allah bless him and his family and him: ( These hearts rust as stainless steel water if the injury ) was said: O Messenger of Allah, and evacuation ? He said: ( frequent mention of death and recitation of the Quran ) Narrated by al faith in the people .

Balkharia win : Al-Bukhaari Osman may Allah be pleased with him , said : The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : ( best to learn the Koran and his knowledge ) ..

And Ibn Umar that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( (no envy except in two man to whom God Koran is doing pots of the night and pots of the day and a man to whom God's money is spent pots of the night and pots of the day ) ) Bukhari and Muslim .. « and Billy » : watches, here in the sense of envy : glee , ie : you wish to be like without him wish demise . Make us such a man to whom God that he read the Koran .. pots and pots of the night the day .. Make it the intention of God, and I wore security .. Let's start from now , do not be lower than that ..

Bara said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : ( ( Koran decorate your ballot ) ) ..

Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him said that he heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him says : ( ( as authorized by Allah to something that was authorized for the Holy Prophet sound good out loud ) ) ..

About Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( Read the Koran , God Almighty does not punish heart awareness Holy Quran and that this banquet of Allah , it is entered into is safe and loved Koran Vlabashr ) ) ...

Bayhaqi narrated about the infallibility of bin Malik may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : ( ( if the collection of the Qur'an in Ahab what God burnt with fire ) ) ..

And pulled out a Barbarian and Daaraqutni for Aa'ishah said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : ( reading the Quran in prayer is better than reading the Koran in non- praying, reading the Quran in the non- prayer is better than zooming and praise , and the zoom is better than charity , and charity is better than fasting , and fasting Commission of fire ) ...

'Umar ibn al-Heatable may Allah be pleased with him , he said: " If a slave of the night Vtsuk and does wudoo then has to pray magnify and read , king placed his mouth on it , says King : Recite Recite has blessed, and you do not even read the Koran and prayer in the treasures of Paradise and the best Sticky , Vacetktheroa it as you can " ..

Ana may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( If you love any of you happen Rabbo Vliqro Koran ) ) ..

Amr bin Shoaib may Allah be pleased with him : that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( If seal Al Quran blessings sealed when sixty thousand king ) ) ..

Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( Give your eyes share of worship consider the Koran and thinking about where and when the mind wonders ) ) from Abu Sa'eed al-Hakim .

Nu'man Ibn Bashir may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( best worship my reading of the Koran ) ) ..

Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( learned the Koran and Oqrioh and Ariqdoa such Quran for those who know and he read it and he has done like pod stuffed Mska smells scent everywhere , and like the learned Verkd on his stomach like pod Aoki on keeping ) ) ..

Abd Rahman ibn cub may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( Read the Koran , and do them , nor Tgvo it does not boil it and do not eat and do not do it Tcetktheroa ) ) ..

About Umaamah may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( Read the Qur'an , the Almighty Allah does not punish heart awareness of the Koran ) ) ..

Raise grades in Paradise: Aisha, may Allah be pleased : the Prophet peace be upon him said : ( ( number drawer paradise number of any Koran it entered the paradise of the people of the Koran is not above grade ) ) , and Abu Dawood and Timid from Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Aas : ( said to the owner of the Quran and read thinner and recite as you used to recite in the lower house , the last verse of your status when you read it ) ..

Acquisition Favors : And Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him , said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : ( ( of the characters read from the book of God has its good and good ten-fold I do not say : pain character, but : A letter , and the letter L , and M characters ) ) Narrated by al- Timid said : good talk properly ..

It is modern keep it all by heart and remember all of us in Ramadan , but it always comes out of the tongues from the womb of God ... Ah , if released your heart will change your life ... Believe me , O Allah ... Each character and good mole ten .... "In the name of Allah the Merciful ," the letter nineteen hundred and ninety any good ... Imagine that you have not started reading yet ..

It's in the Book of Allah , the Koran part seventy thousand almost any character : seven hundred thousand well- written to you in only a quarter of an hour  The Messenger of Allah, I know you know this , and probably know more than that , but maybe you have reaped the knowledge if not followed by action ! ! It's a great reward in a short time .. How do without him ? ...The Messenger of Allah