Muslim women and hijab.

Hijab in Islamic culture is for the dress Leicester woman's body hijab. It is a hypothesis due to the canons of women in most Islamic sects islam.. Linguistically veil is a curtain hijab, and what keeps blocking any jacket, and a woman blocked any woman may start Webster hijab. Usually called a hijab head covering women in the Arab and Islamic circles . There is a consensus of Islamic scholars on the necessity
of the veil on women islam. , [1] although they disagree on the whole , some of whom believe that a woman has to cover all of her body , including the face and handshijab , while still mostly passport revealed the face and hands . Where you see the Fatal Egyptian source in the former « it is the consensus of the Muslims in advance and succeed , and it is known from the religion , and this is necessaryhijab , such as imposition , which is part of the religion » hijab. Although it should be noted that in the modern era appeared stream opposes the veil on the grounds that it is not obligatory islam. , but a habit.

There are some countries forbid or restrict the head scarf known as the hijab in public institutions such as universities , schools or government institutions ; such as France and Tunisia earlier - under the regime of Burgin and Ben Ali - and Turkey. While there are other countries and organizations imposed on compatriots and even foreign women  hijab, such as Iran , Saudi Arabia, Sudan , [2] and the former Taliban in Afghanistan hijab .

Muslims consider the veil that was present in the ancient Abraham laws , citing some of what is stated in the Old Testament books and Bibles and books that interpret as evidence of a veil of those who were before them nations hijab islam. [3]

The Arabs before Islam women wear clothes similar to what is now the hijab and iamb . Even acknowledged scholars of Islam in the Abbas era veil that all Leicester Islamic body as clothing for women hijab.

In the Arab world have been calls for the liberation of women from Egypt in sync with the calls of enlightenment , which was pioneered months Quasi Admin , and is supported by Mohammed Ado Salad Angelou and Ahmed Lustful El-Spayed and other pioneers of the Enlightenment at the time. Quasi Admin issued a book of women's liberation , and the new women's book , in which he said that the veil is not mainstream Islam . In the context of women's liberation from its isolation and to hide behind the veil and kept in the house , a group of women on Rosen Honda Sahara demonstration March 20 1919 . In the same context, the Salad Angelou invited women attending his speech to reveal their faces . It has also Sofia Angelou and Size Unbraid dislocated cover the face after returning from the International Conference on Women's Union , which was held in Rome in