What is the Koran?


What is the Koran?

Language: Koran the word in the source language is synonymous with reading and refers to the verse: { We have collected and the Koran . If we read } follow the Koran , and said: It is derived from the words, read followed . It was: It is derived from the words, read it and villages collect water in the tub if collected

Muslim women and hijab.

Hijab in Islamic culture is for the dress Leicester woman's body hijab. It is a hypothesis due to the canons of women in most Islamic sects islam.. Linguistically veil is a curtain hijab, and what keeps blocking any jacket, and a woman blocked any woman may start Webster hijab. Usually called a hijab head covering women in the Arab and Islamic circles . There is a consensus of Islamic scholars on the necessity

muslim rules

The word "Muslim" one who submits to the will of God, regardless of their race, muslim ,nationality or ethnic origin means . Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process that requires no pre-requisites.muslim , It can convert alone in privacy, or he / she may do so in the presence of others.muslim

If anyone has a real desire to be a Muslim and has full

islam facts

islam facts is one of the largest groups of devotees among the major world religions islam online . However, it is one of the most misunderstood of all religions as well. His concepts were wrapped around the islam facts" jihadist terrorists " self-appointed ,allah who only use religion for their own evil objectives to rule the world . However, we are not preaching the teachings of the Holy Book of Islam , the Koran. What they preach is his own beliefs in the name of religion .islam facts

Although there are many misconceptions that people have about Islam allah , here are five of the most common that the Western world has this religion misconceptions.

# 1 - The meaning of jihad islam facts


Jihadist terrorists that claim as part of Islam are not actually the teachings of the Quran ( Image Source )islam facts

islam onlineThe word " jihad " are the most misunderstood words on Islam and is often used as evidence that Islam encourages violence . It is, however ,islam facts not entirely true. Islam does not advocate the killing of innocent people, even if they are non-Muslims. People who use this word to promote violence only to meet their own objectives.islam facts allah

islam onlineThe word " jihad " in Arabic means actually fighting or trying . Jihad can mean different things depending on the context . One of the highest forms of jihad is the struggle against himself , which means simply to fight against their evil inclination and try to be a better human being .islam facts

Jihad can simply refer to the efforts of parents to teach their children the right way . Earn the appreciation of others for the good intentions of the one, or the sweetness of the language is also a form of jihad. The key factor is to fight hard to improve his soul and society as a whole.islam facts

Indeed, jihad refers to pick up the sword too, but not for the murder of innocents. In fact, the combative jihad is only permitted in the Koran for self defense. You are allowed to pick up the sword in the war against oppression and tyranny.

This is no different than any other religion in the world. Most world religions allow an individual to fight when attacked . Self-defense is permitted and indeed encouraged in most religions. Therefore, it is in Islam.

This is clearly expressed in the following verses of the Quran :

"Fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight you , but transgress not . Allah loveth not transgressors. " (Quran 2:190 )islam facts

" If they seek peace, then seek peace . " (Quran 8:61 )



Allahu Paroles Paroles . La Shareeka Laka paroles . Innal Boue wannimata is wal mulk Musulmanes La Shareeka Lak Hajj

( Estoy Aqui un service tu , oh merci , estoy aquí - . Aqui estoy TPB socio _n Votre vote Aqui estoy cierto Hajj , la Gracia de la comme LOF y los suyos , activation TPB y el socio _n Votre vote ....)

Hajj Musulmanes

Estas comme las palabras coreadas por unos dos millones de personas de todo en todo el mundo y Arabie Rumbo Hajj, Comme si se por un Tirana Iman , non solo en punto de la Tierra . Como ha los años desde hace ocurrido entreprise 14 siglos Hajj , Los Peregrinos Musulmanes soi reúnen EN LA STE parameter Realizar Rituales basados ​​en los realizados por el Profeta Muhammad durante visita dernier à la ville.Hajj Musulmanes

Realizar ESTOS rituales Hajj, Côme conocido el Hajj , Quinton es el Pilar del Islam y la más importante de la Manifestación fe y la Unidad Islamique .Hajj Musulmanes  La realización de la una vez es Peregrinacion al MENOS Non Traction Los Musulmanes Québec comme par fisicamente y hace el viaje financieramente capaz de la STE . El énfasis capacidad en la Financiere _n por objeto garantizar Qué se hace non atleast cargaison Peuple de Famille en PRIME . El requisito de mer Saludable y que non atleast fisicamente capaz de la Emprender Peregrinacion _n por un objeto eximir Aquellos que no pueden los soportar Rigores de los Viajes extendidos .Musulmanes

Peregrinacion es el punto más la religieuse Alto de la vida de un atleast un evento y Qué Los Suenos Musulmanes entreprise de Empresa . OMRA , La Peregrinacion Menon , se puede realizar en Cualquiera Época del Ano , Hajj , Chine embargo se lleva un durante Cape ONU Epoque DE CINQ - O dias desde el hasta el noveno Trece de Cwm Ḥiyya , el mes del Douze in- Calendrier Lunaire musulmans .

En el pasado , y todavía en las Primeras decadal Siglo del pasado , Pocas de personas Eran Capaces " abrirse Camino " à la STE par la Peregrinacion . Cette fois Fue debido a las dificultades encontradas , Longitude la que el viaje de Wetter el duro y Asociados Ella Gaston . Los Peregrinos procedentes de l' entreprise Rinconete los del Mundo islámico un ano o más veces dedicati non para el viaje y durante el mismo FCmaisaka perecieron Tama en moins de Servicios a la falta en la las repérages Haci STE y también en la Ville Propia


Let circunstancias de la Hajj comenzaron mejorar un durante la del Rey Época Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdul Rahman Al - Saud , el Reino del Fundador Moderno de l' Arabie Saoudite . Se introdujeron Importantes programas para la sécurité garantizar y la sécurité de los Peregrinos , ainsi Comme Bienes y comodidad . Tambien soi tomaron marqueurs par gros establecer instalaciones y Servicios destinados un mejorar la Vivienda ,Hajj la atención de la Salud , el Transporte y el SANEAMIENTO .


Hoy en Dia , sleep pesar de los en los rituales LUG Sagrado y en la Tæt STE se han mantenido desde la Chine Época cambio del Profeta , el de la escenario Peregrinacion y las instalaciones disposición Esta muy lejos de los Peregrinos de las Qué existían en TPB momento en la Historia . Dificultades vez y sostuvo esperaba Soi Comme de la Tama Peregrinacion y Los Que se Musulmanes embarcó en Esta empresa ,Hajj tradicionalmente asignado non pariente by Mr O de ASCAP de la Comunidad de como el de ejecutor voluntad CASO en que no de viaje del regresaron . Musulmanes

Los Musulmanes de la Peregrinacion emprenden Hoy en la facilidad Hajj , recibirá douloureux caleçon arrivée saoudiens Bienvenida , Esther provistos y de las más y Servicios Modernas instalaciones eficientes posibles . Chinois Las distracciones Qué Qué Sus antepasados ​​tuvieron enfrentarse a los Peregrinos de Hoy en Dia de la Libertad _n centrarse exclusivamente en el aspecto espiritual de la Peregrinacion .

Préparation par recibir los del extérieure Hôtel de DiosMusulmanes

" Es increible realmente " Dijon Rajeeb Razul , periodista de Philippines Hajj, Mientras permanecía de pie en el techo del Edificio del Ministerio de Información , Tæt en la Mezquita Nimera Arafat Colonne de Peregrinos Que se ver douloureux EXTENDING I casia Ocho Kilometre Distance hace en la download camino más de la Mezquita Haci El Monte de la Misericordia . " Organizar Reunion de los seres humanos de douloureux Geo Da Tamano , alojarlos para , para alimentarlos y para satisfacer Cadan necesidad ano ano Bengale Ser Una avec moins Monumentale " observó .

Arabie Saoudite Consideration Qué sirve los Invitados non honneur de Dios Hajj , y mano de obra dévouement gran y recursos para el planificateurs financiers développement de la Buena Peregrinacion . The Ultimate En las Cuatro decadal , soi de millones de ha gastado Miles Dolarea ampliar para la Mezquita de La Sagrada STE y la Mezquita del Profeta en Medina , Côme el bien de Moderno Establecimiento Aeropuertos Puertos Marítimos , Carreteras , Alojamiento y Servicios y comodidades Assassiner He Wrote Los Peregrinos parameter .Hajj Musulmanes

El Establecimiento instalaciones de estas por si solo pas garantiza non éxito Hajj . Para ello , el Reino ha Puesto en Février douloureux meet the Organización supervisal Comité por el Supremo Hajj , Qué depende del Custodio de las Dos Sacrees Mezquitas Rey Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz , Qué Trouvez tradicionalmente soi en la STE durante la Peregrinacion  Musulmanes. El Comité coordinar busca de las Categories los Ministerios diversos y y evitar la Organismos públicos redundancia . Cadan Una de estas organizaciones se hace de los proyectos en Responsables ambitous de Especialización . Por ejemplo , el Ministerio de Asuntos Islámicos , Dotaciones , convocatoria y Consejo emite folletos especiales en los del Ritos Hajj FCmaisaka Idiomas en los Peregrinos par Distribucion Rasha . Magasins de los Servicios El Ministerio de Salud Hajj, Qué Mientras el Ministerio de Información y periodistas Organiser membro de los medios de comunicación de la Peregrinacion Autres cubrir the header parameter , y al mismo la Organización para las Wetter Transmisiones en vivo por todo en de los rituales image El Mundo .Hajj

La Planificación de la Peregrinacion de ano Cadan generalmente Conclusion comienza en la de la antérieure consise y en la de los programas y diversos Evaluación de ser necesario Hajj , La Introducción DE marqueurs Services para mejorar Cualquiera Gros Que se considera por debajo de pair . Una vez los aprobados Plans para la 'Proxima Peregrinacion Envoyer votre question sur les soi un la agencia gubernamental correspondiente , Qué establece inmediato de par en ponerlas practica . Revisada la por el Progreso DE Estos Avions durante todo el año El Comité y una vez en el proyecto es place inspeccionado semanas antes de que Varias comience la Peregrinacion .

The Una Hermandad

El APICE espiritual de la vida de un musulmans Realizando Hayy el , Qué Una proporciona COMPRENSION Clara Lieu de relación con Dios y en la Tierra . Se non atleast IMPART en pas seul la sécurité de el que se ha Presentado Quinton del Pilar Islam Hajj , la suite de los pasos del Profeta , Tama Una de la oumma sino también de que el de la conciencia ( Nación ) , que es más de un Billo Fuertes y de todo el mundo en diferenciales .Hajj

Geo Da sentimiento Llevado es a la casa en el Reino de los arrived Peregrinos . La mayoría de los Peregrinos llegan por via Aérea y Sus Côme avioneta rodaje Haci Hajj Terminal à la impresionante Djeddah , pasa con los avioneta Nombre familiares , sino también los Llevant Qué las fait exóticas come " el sur de China Airlines ' y ' Daguestan COMPAGNIET aériennes "y todas las partes del mundo de autres .Hajj

A la ESPERA de ser un procesados ​​Traves de la sala de llegadas , El Peregrino comienza derramar Identificación , Qué Ø jeu de l' ONU en Mar de cambriolages People , Taxis las dos de Chine Costura algodón blanco los hombres y el Qué Llevant atuendo Simple , generalmente blanco de couleur , Qué Visten let Hommes . Aqui Nadie puede decir la CONDICION social économique de una persona o , o en la Origen Nacional basada blanchisserie that Tailleurs Qué Lleva . De REPENT ,Musulmanes El Peregrino es simple y por encima de todo , les musulmans de l' ONU , y de fléchettes darmstadtium de poco a poco darkwave Compte Qué Qué se centra en maintenant Mas Que Nunca en los Rostro De La Personne humaine , Más que La blanchisserie that Tailleurs .Musulmanes Estas Caras representati o nacionalidad casia Cadan Raza en la Tierra . Côme Energico of Saudi soi mueven los jovenes por la Peregrinos rápidamente PRIA , se compte de los Arabes , mode of de taille , bosnios , chinos , Españoles , Africano , laosianos Hajj, franceses , Americanos y FCmaisaka autres .Musulmanes

Póngase en Contacto con personas de bronzage diversas RAZAS durante los dias y Nationalités y las semanas en el Reino Que Paso engendra en sentido de los Peregrinos non COMPRENSION ASCAP en extraño y , simplemente Porquet Esther Realizando Hayy el juntos .Hajj

Al llegar a la STE Hajj

Antes de la dirigirse Haci STE , Esther Robes de los Peregrinos cambriolages o pueden changement en Miqat , Plaisir las especiales instalaciones preparations par soi Geo Da nageoire . Por el ponerse cambriolages , El Peregrino en estado de ENTRA non espiritualidad y pureza .Hajj Musulmanes

En el camino desde Djeddah a lo largo STE A la de la Autopista de la moderne Hajj , Los Peregrinos de la flottation Suben Uno de 15 000 AUTOBUSES asignados al Hajj . Esther satisfying concurrencia se acerca de Vehículos La Mina , un Cuatro km unos al Noroeste de la STE , Pleasure la mayoría de los Peregrinos alojan en soi de las Miles Confirm con Campana de Aire Acondicionado , Qué soi extienden hasta los limites de la Mina Valley.Hajj Musulmanes

Caminando un Traves de Ville Esther satisfying Qué ha conocido Sidon durante unos dias para Cependant POCOS al año , El Peregrino golpeado es por el del Ordre Peuple .Hajj  La nourriture soi preparations FR DE ciento Cocinas repartidas por todo y Mina distribuidos Rasha Las Confirm . Miles de las fuentes de agua potable Zonas y Lavado de soi encuentran en toda la País de la yogourt . Qué Hay ciento DE Cliniques Médicas complemental Los Hôpitaux STE y en la Arafat . El personnel de sécurité de Policía y de la Guyane Traffic Authority y ayudar a los Peregrinos . Y les bande d' aide numeradas A pesar de los Claros Hajjalgunos de Peregrinos , sobre todo las personas mayores , Tiende perderse y ayuda para encontrar Necesita Sus Confirm o grupos . Bolsa de Telefonos soi encuentran en entreprise de los LUG Peregrinacion , lo que permite a los Peregrinos Realizar llamadas directas Internationaux .Hajj Musulmanes

Los Ritos de Peregrinacion

Despues de la Salida del Sol en el mes del noveno islámico de Cwm Omran , Esther satisfying Multitud de dos millones casia comienza caminar Unas Miles ocho de hasta la llanura Arafat , Mouzdalifa pasa en el camino . FCmaisaka realizan Mediodía el y las Oraciones de la tarde en la Mezquita Nimerah , Una Tradicion establecida por el Profeta .


Nous dans les médias Acercarse Arafat , El Peregrino se encontrar la extensa Asombra de lo que parece llanura cubierta por ser douloureux espesa Niebla , un pesar de que la ronda los 90 Grados Fahrenheit temperature . Esther C. por Miles SE optiques Ilusion de aspersores colocados encima de Postes de los 30 y Esther Tartes separado Pies de unos 50 Distance , Qué Films douloureuses Niebla de soi extendió agua para proporcionar pratique . DE millones de Agua CONTENEDORES refrigerate soi distribuyen camions desde lo largo de un FRIGORÍFICOS ubicado la ruta de Peregrinacion .Hajj Musulmanes

A Pesar DE Estas precauciones , le jeu de Siempre el presente de las ulular Comme de ciento AMBULANCIAS recoger Peregrinos Qué calor por el agotamiento sufren de los y las Cliniques TRANSPORTAS a especiales para el TRATAMIENTOS . Los más Casos Tombes comme evacuados HELICOPTEROS Hôpitaux fr .Hajj

Requiereme par se pasa el dia los Peregrinos llanura en laHajj , la que se lo realización de la Llama Permanente en Arafat . Aquí también El Monte Visita de la Misericordia pedia y Perdon por algun a Dios y por las Pecado cometido bendiciones . Let instalaciones también se han establecido aquí para los Peregrinos y cumplir con un Alimentar Cualquiera requerimiento Qué puedan tener .Hajj

Despues de que el Sol se ha Puesto Geo Da Rio de la humanidad Sus Pasos de VTT sobre la vuelta Haci STE , SPC en soi detiene Muzdalifah hasta el brillo del Dia Qué Aparece en el Horizonte Oriental. Hier of Los Piedras y los siete Peregrinos recogen Llevant à la Mina. Qué llegan A medida en el Valle , Qué lo largo de un emigre non piétonnier Paseo de dos niveles de alrededor 100 - tres metros de ancho Haci Los Pilares de piedra el Infinito Djamarat , Qué _n propósito de el satanas I represent . Se los Peregrinos Requiereme emitir Recogidas Las Piedras en el Pilar de piedra de un Dios Alabare Al Aqaba , a non rechazo simbólico en de satanas . Como se acercan a lo largo de los Peregrinos un La Pasarela , soi une machine avec un Los Que esta en la Colonne y despues de Guijarro Lanzar JUMELAGE Haci La Rampa de Salida en la Dirección de la STE . Signos fr Goodies Idiomas forts conductors Multitud un à la lo largo de la ruta .Musulmanes

Peregrinos Los Cuatro y unos LUEGO caminar mi lo largo para llegar a un Paseos peatonales STE la , le plaisir el se realizan tawaf , Rodeando bah el siete veces en la Sagrada Mezquita en sentido antihorario . LUEGO sa'ay realizan , La Février Rasha Safa Marwa y en Una estructura Cerrado con Aire Acondicionado . Los Peregrinos Varone comme la cabeza entonces Obligado afeitarse , Diamants aceptable de aunque el corte de non para Hombres de Puppe Mechoni de como para Hommes . Non Animaux de los Peregrinos fr Geo Da punto , la Publicité faire un don de carne Rasha los pobres . Cadan año más de 600 000 Animales en Mataderos Moderno Qué se sacrifican completan Transformación la carne de la durante los tres dias del Eid .Hajj Distribucion DE dich carne del Sacrificio VA necesitados a los unos 30 FR header. Musulmanes

Los Ritos de la Peregrinacion se ha completadoHajj . De Los Peregrinos Vendres cambriolages y Usar Blanchisserie Tailleurs to normal, I en SPC mantienen para el Aid Al - Adhan , Qué La Fiesta de la marca la culminación Peregrinacion .Hajj Durante los dos Dias Places, Los Tres Pilares de piedra en el Djamarat , antes de realizar el Tawaf Al - Wida ' Lovumba Circunvalacion del la bah antes de Salida de la ville .Musulmanes


Aunque no es necesario , Comme de Tama Peregrinacion la , la mayoría de los Peregrinos visita la Mezquita del Profeta en Medina , durante su visita al Reino .

Un Viaje espiritualHajj Musulmanes

A lo largo del Hajj , La Maire REUNION DE Anual personas en la tierra ,Hajj la soi Peregrinacion caracteriza por una ausencia de totale Cualquiera desacuerdo altercados Rasha o los Peregrinos . Cortesin Ayudar y los CONDITIONS comme a la Norma . La Paz , La La Piedad impregnat serenidad y toda la Peregrinacion y los Peregrinos Hajj Musulmanes


Al terminology de la Peregrinacion , El Peregrino _n non Profundo sentimiento pasado por una experiencia de Spor espiritual Qué Transformer Vidas Hajj. El Qaeda soi con el Orgullo DE Spor realizado con Exito ONU rituels Dedicado a Dios y de Una gran pertenecer Famille de las gens Qué Compare mismas creencias religiosas . Y el sentido de ha adquirido non Humildad , Macross Frontier Interieur , la la fuerza y Fraternidad Qué durée toda la vida .Hajj

five pillars of islam

Islam is based on five pillars , including the Prophet peace be upon him ,

saying: ( Islam is built on five testimony that there is no god but Allah ,

and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and keep up prayer , and the giving of

Zakat and Hajj and fasting Ramadan ) agreed Narrated by Bukhari No. 8 .allah

And the doctrine of Islam and the law of Allah and His Messenger, the halal

and haram , ethics and morals and worship and transactions , rights and

duties, and scenes of the resurrection , allah when he completed the God of

this religion at the hands of his messenger was favored to be a way of life

for all humanity to be played at : ( Today I have perfected your religion for

you and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion )

table / 3 .

These are the pillars of Islam and rules that underlie allah

( First pillar Faith ) :

That believed human that God alone is Lord Owner disposed Creator Sustainer,

and prove to him all the beautiful names and sublime attributes which

corroborated the same , or corroborated by his messenger , and believed that

God alone is worthy of worship and no one else as the Almighty said : ( Badie

heavens and the earth, because I have a child and did not Her and him were

created all things , a knowledge of all things , is Allah, your Lord, there

is no god but Allah is the creator of all things , a worship Him everything

agent) cattle / 101-102 .

pillar It also believes the human that God sent His Messenger Muhammad, peace

be upon him and revealed to him the Koran and ordered him to inform this

religion to all people and believes that the love of God and His Messenger

and obey them obligatory for every one not realized the love of God , but

follow-up messenger peace be upon him : ( Say that you love God Follow I

loved God and forgive you your sins and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful ) Al-

Imran / 31.

( Second pillar prayer ) :

The man is believed that Allah has enjoined on every sane adult Muslim five

prayers a day and night performed by the purity stand in the hands of the

Lord every day clean Mtzlla humble thanks to God for the blessing and bounty

of asking and seek His forgiveness of sins and ask him Paradise and seek

refuge with Him from the Fire  allah

The obligatory prayers every day and night five prayers are dawn and Zuhr and

Asr and Maghrib and Isha prayers and there Msnonh such as qiyaam night, and

Taraweeh prayers . The two rak'ahs of Duha and other Sunan .allah

The prayer was obligatory or naafil represent sincerity to go to God alone in

all things God has commanded all believers to maintain the group , saying the

Almighty : ( surely the middle prayer and those who bow down ) Cow / 238


The five daily prayers and obligatory for every Muslim man and woman in day

and night : (The prayer book on the believers at fixed hours ) women / 103


Observed in those who left Islam is prayer deliberately has disbelieved as

the Almighty said : ( Mgnen keeps him and keep up prayer and be not of the

polytheists ) rum / 31.allah

Islam is based on cooperation and brotherhood and love of God has begun

meeting to these prayers and others to achieve these virtues, he said peace

be upon him : ( congregational prayer is better than praying alone twenty-

seven degrees). Narrated by Muslim, 650 .

Aoun and prayers for Abdul adversity and Carpathian Almighty said : ( and

most surely it is a hard to Allah ) Cow / 45 .god

The five daily prayers erase the sins he said peace be upon him : ( Did you

see if the river door of you washed it every day five times Did remains of

Derna something ? Said no remains of Derna thing . Said it is like the five

daily prayers God erase their sins ) Narrated by Muslim, 677 .

And pray in the mosque reason to enter heaven said peace and blessings of

tomorrow to the mosque or claimed God prepared him in paradise whenever they

went down tomorrow or claimed ) . Narrated by Muslim, 669 .god

The prayer gathering between a person and his creator and was the apple of

eye of the Prophet peace be upon him was if his party is alarming to pray and

call him conversing with his Lord and seek His forgiveness , and ask of the

bounty .

Prayer and humility and cringe. Closer to the Muslim from his Lord and make

it a mockery and a joke as the Almighty said : ( Recite what has been

revealed to you of the Book and establish regular prayers make it a mockery

and a joke ) Spider / 45 .

( Third pillar of Zakat ) :

God created people in different colors and morality , science, business and

livelihood Making them rich and the poor to the rich thank tested and tested

poor patient

As the faithful friendship and brotherhood is based on compassion and

kindness and compassion , love and mercy , so Allaah has enjoined on Muslims

zakat taken from their rich and respond to their poor Almighty said : ( Take

charity from their Ttehrhm and sanctify them reached them that your prayers

housing them ) Repentance / 103 .

Zakat money cleanse and Development and indents souls of stinginess and

miserliness and strengthen the love between the rich and the poor Vizul

hatred and security prevail and happy nation .allah

The obligatory God zakaah on each of the king quorum one year has passed from

gold, silver or metal and Offers Trade quarter of one tenth the crops and

fruits wherein ten if I brought water without the pantry and a half decade

with watered Bm?na at harvest In an'aam animals amounts detailed in the books

of jurisprudence , it is directed Kafr God bless him and disadvantages in

money and garnered him a great reward Almighty said : ( and keep up prayer

and pay the poor and applied for yourselves find one of the good that God is

seer of what ye do ) cow / 110 .

And prevent Zakat brings calamities and evils of the nation has vowed to God

to prevent painful punishment doomsday Almighty said : (And those who hoard

gold and silver and do not spend it for the sake of God Vbasharham Grievous -

Day protects them in the fire of hell Vtkoy their foreheads and their sides

and their backs this is what Knzatm for yourselves, taste the what you

Tkenzon ) repentance / 34-35

Zakat and hide better than the show in front of people as he says: ( The alms

seem Venama is though Tkhvoha Tatoha and the poor is good for you and you

expiate sins of God and what you do expert ) Cow / 271

If you remove the Muslim zakat may not be disbursed only in the remembrance

of Allah said: ( but alms to the poor and needy and personnel in whose hearts

In necks and debtors and for the sake of God and Son of the way of an

ordinance of God, and God is Knowing, Wise ) Repentance / 60 .

( Corner of Fourth Ramadan fast ) :pillar

Fasting is for fasting from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse from dawn

to sunset fasting structure .

The patience of faith is like the head of the body . The imposition of Allah

fasting on this nation months in the year for fear of God, and that avoid

what Allah has forbidden and get used to the patience , and rein in

psychology and compete in generosity and kindness , cooperation, empathy, and

compassion he says: ( O ye who believe ! Fasting is also prescribed for those

before you, that ye may ) cow / 183

Ramadan is a great month when God revealed the Koran and doubled the charity

and good deeds and acts of worship and the Night of Power is better than a

thousand months in which the gates of heaven open and close the gates of hell

. And the devils are chained

The obligatory God fasting month of Ramadan on every adult, sane Muslim from

male and female as the Almighty said : ( month of Ramadan in which was

revealed the Qur'an , a guidance for mankind and clear proofs of the guidance

and the Criterion you saw it a month , then let him , and whoever is ill or

on a journey interpretation of the last God wants you ease and does not want

hardship for you and to fulfill the kit and grow up on what God has guided

and meaning) cow / 185 allah

And fasting reward is great when God said, peace be upon him : ( all work the

son of Adam doubles , good ten-fold , to seven hundred times Allah Almighty

except fasting it to me and I shall reward for it , beyond his desire, and

his food for me ) Narrated by Muslim , fasting .

( The fifth pillar of Hajj ) :pillar

God made the Muslims are turning to kiss when their prayers and their prayer

in terms of what they were an old house in Mecca : ( full face towards the

Sacred Mosque and where you satisfy the faces gain ) Cow / 144 .

As the lands of the Muslims spaced and Islam claim to the meeting and dating

, also calls for cooperation in righteousness and piety and advise others to

the right and call to God and to maximize the rites of God therefore enjoined

God on every adult, sane Muslim is able to visit his house, the old , and

cruising by , and leads the pilgrimage as including Allah and His Messenger .

He says : ( God and the people of the Hajj to the House he has the means and

the Kafr God goes the Worlds ) Imran / 97 pillar

The pilgrimage season reflects the unity of Muslims , and their strength ,

honor and one Lord and one book and one Prophet and one Nation and one of

worship and clothing one .

And pilgrimage etiquette and conditions must be staffed by a Muslim like

maintaining the tongue, hearing and sight of what God has forbidden faith and

sincerity and good maintenance , and exercise moral universe and get away

from all the spoil pilgrimage of obscenity and immorality and controversy as

the Almighty said : (pilgrimage months Information is imposed therein

pilgrimage is not obscenity or depravity nor controversy in the Hajj and what

you do from the good God knows and equipped themselves with the best

provision is piety and Atqon O men of understanding ) Imran / 197

The Hajj Muslim if he has done on the face legitimate right , and they are

pure goodness it was an expiation for his sins , said peace be upon him : (

Hajj God did not have sexual relations Arfet returned the day his mother bore

him ) Bukhari  pillar

What is Islam?

What is Islam?

If a non-Muslim man asks this question ( What is Islam? ) ........ I think that any Muslim are asked this question would respond spontaneously ( Islam is the witness that no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger , but is this everything ? ..................... what the real meaning of this sentence ?

After that , in fact, say the word man begins the tale that either goes in the right way and understand the meaning and either break down the meaning and differ vision and be a lack of balance and thus spoke of the disaster and the distortion of Islam, and thus breaks down everything.

First, we must understand something ........ Islam is the religion of the beginning of all the prophets from Adam , through Noah , Abraham, Moses , Jesus and all the prophets, even the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him .

These are some of the evidence from the Koran.

God said: " When he sensed their disbelief, Isa said of Amstar to God said to the Apostles Amstar Allah We believe in Allah and I bear witness PANDA Muslims " Sarah Al Iran AT 52

" McCann Ibrahim Jew nor a Christian, but it was upright, a Muslim and was idolaters " the 64 A Iran

The witches who believe, " Lord , we emptied the Sabra and Ova Muslims "

" And recite to them the news of Noah as he said to his people : O my people that the larger you mausoleums and reminding me of the revelations of God For God I trust AMA Onramp and your partner then do not not commanded you his chagrin then execute the judgment to nor do you see (71) van you assumed what I asked of the reward is only on God and ordered to be Muslims , " Ungues A 71-72 .

So when he says the right Almighty " that the religion with Allah is Islam " does not mean that the religion of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him , but only means that Islam in its destruction , which reached all the prophets of Islam as meaning .......... and as a principle and against the stubbornness and arrogance and infidelity and the war on the right whatever .

Islam , in fact, a great word that is greater than the optimal talking about , but at the same time so simple that anyone understands simple .

Islam is simply everything Fade against all Ralph , an instinct that our fast by God , it is possible to understand that a human being is not a scholar of jurisprudence what is right and what is wrong and what is indicated by the words of the master of creation ( I'm between the Sacred between ) and also quoted ( Consult your heart ) .

Islam is not a complex set of books of fish and not an endless list of hall and harm , but simply everything beautiful and good and everything reconstructing the life of love and at the same time is everything to defend the truth and fight falsehood , Messenger peace be upon him , when he said about the party curiosity if invited him I answered in Islam to mean that he was standing with the right and virtue whatever even if it Palmation infidels or heathens .

When decreed a total of companions a man whom he has cleaned up from Jana In his head wound and he died the man told them you kill your companion , for they understood Islam as a religious ritual and overlooked all these rituals but proceeded in the interest of the Muslim conflicted with it was opposed to Islam itself.

Some people said he was asked about the meaning of Islam, he told you the testimony , prayer and fasting , Zak and Hajj , and hall harm and so on .......... It is in this sense Islam is not completely understood , because this ritual is something that is not characteristic of Islam, they are in all religions even though in Islam at best incomplete forms .......... These rituals or worship but Allah legislated to be a charger of human energy in order to popularize the ground and staying Islam but Islam is not the same and that they are the pillars of Islam that means it's staff, which supports the this edifice even takes place without them collapsing edifice because the man when he does virtue God be pure face Faso out and transcend life , either he do it to humans will do disgrace with not see human beings , and this is against the principles of Islam , Islam is ennobled humans to transcend and reconstructing the land on which they live every creatures . the Messenger of God

The first word pronounced man to be granted a certificate aims mainly to the consolidation ...... unification of God idol ........... Why ? ............. Because God is one God, the Creator of everything , a unit capable of everything and worthy of worship ........... When we worship Fred thus deny Cambodian Per things and succumb to God and then succumb to the right, Tsai life in the system and one of love and peace prevail , because he in this case, the ruling will not fear only God Feel , not afraid to convict , but God says the truth and grant victory to the oppressed , and every human being on the face of the earth will not be afraid , but God will not do harm to Feel end up outside of human injustice occurs desired goal of Islam ......... so .... is not a word uttered without the application of work or , if she was to have had a meaning , as amended , that God made reverting in the balance as stated in the admit Quads .

But the testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , it is the recognition of the Prophet of this nation , which seal the messages so that there is the testimony of applied and applied and then everything comes to a hostile Muslim nation which leads to bloodshed , as we see in our time when the name of religion as the Jews and Christians .

So begins the testimony of Islam, There is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and stems of each sense.

After that comes the Quran and Sunni to clarify its meaning and help from his heart mist of ignorance that the smog , and comes because the Prophet peace be upon him " was sent to complete Maarten " ethics at the head of words that show us what is Islam , Vetoed thus understand the clear and explicit Islam does not require that be recognized as a scientist, which as we have said that Islam is both a virtue and against all Ralph .

So this huge number of Muslims and Islam who have inherited from their parents whether they are Muslims Really?

In fact, every Muslim must have a clear picture of Islam, so that a non-Muslim to understand the meaning of Islam, once you see it and deal with it .

It must be that combines self-esteem and a sense of pride and self-confidence for belonging to this religion and good to deal with between the Muslim and non-Muslim out of compassion , strength and dignity .

You must understand that any human being when he sees Muslims that Muslims adhere to their faith and ordering them to the highest ethics , which in addition to religious rituals , which is untouched Mara Mullah top and transcends their lives and it is not Islam itself .

If Islam is so simple why all these terms and Hall and Hara veil ............ ?

For example, give the rule of the veil in Islam , why impose this restriction on Islam women? ........ We say that Islam is a guard for every virtue and mind of every Ralph If we apply this rule to this rule we see that Islam wanted to be immune to all women what Osama Balers and protected from all punk and protects society from every relationship is SEEN and enveloping membrane protects women and protects the community , and offered them a commodity or commodities as a promoter wants the advocates of freedom.

Thus every rule in Islam is a means of protecting morals and the protection of the soul and spirit and the flesh of all damage caused to them .

Hence understand Islam simply whatever was in it from the provisions of the important books which abounded .

what is islams

what is islams,islam chat, islam facts, Islamic, muslim practices, Women's prayer according to Qur'an and Sunnah,

Muslims beliefs concerning the Life after Death

islam .Muhammad, Muslims, ( Mohammed Messenger of God ), messenger god

( Mohammed Messenger of God )

( Mohammed Messenger of God ), islam .Muhammad, messenger god, messenger of the gods, muslim,

muslim rules

1) muslim rules  Dancing is allowed in islam, but dancing with the opposite sex is not. allah Women can dance with women and men can dance around other men. muslim rules
 Even if people from the same gender dance together there are certain rules to follow, islam chat
this dancing and the songs danced to must not stimulate other people's desires.muslim rules allah
Same goes for sports,  muslim rules
 games and matches are allowed as long as they do not involve both sexes. islam chat
> Activities that may cause seduction and corruption are not allowed allah. Foul words are prohibited on the ground.muslim rules
2) We have our own islamic dress code:muslim rules
Women have to cover all their body with loose fitting clothes islam chat
,  allah except for their hands and face.muslim rules
Men have to cover from the knee up to the navel.muslim rules
3) It depends on the parents, and what you mean by strict.
80% of students in my "mixed" college (in an arab muslim countries) are girls, most of whom come from religious families. They also mix with guys, only when necessary of course.muslim rules
Some families are very strict to the point they don't let their daughters/sons out of the house, but the majority don't follow those tradition, they're not islamic. islam chat
. We do whatever we want as long as we do not disobey Allah swtmuslim rules
When you visit an arab country, you will be surprised of the amount of un-strictness you're gonna witness. We're not at all what many imagine, we work, go to malls, dress up with the latest trends (as long as the clothes follow the code", we go to restaurants and cafes, we travel, etc..muslim rules
All is allowed but again as long as it follows the rules of islam.allah
4) It's allowed in islam to get to know the person before you get married. Let's assume you met him at work, he visits your parents and asks their permission to get to know you better.muslim rules
By that you can meet but only with supervision, you cannot touch/kiss or get involved sexually.muslim rules
You can write a contract, that's what we do in my country, it's called "writing the book".. by doing that you can meet with your fiance with no supervision, you can touch and do whatever (sexual intercourse is still prohibited, it's only allowed when you're both declared married in front of people), you can go out and stay late, etc.. the only disadvantage is that when this contract is canceled, you'll both be considered "divorced".
The girl and the guy MUST give their approval for all of this.

5) We pray five obligatory prayers a day, this is how http://www.islamicfinder.org/prayer/inde...muslim rules
We can also add non-obligatory prayers. It's one of the most important pillars in islam, the prophet pbuh said that it's the thin line between belief and disbelief.

We have five important pillars:
1) the testimony, that there's no God but Allah (literally there's no God but the "one and only God") and Muhammad pbuh is His prophet.
2) Offering the five prayers
3) Fasting during the month of ramadan.
4) Giving charity
5) Pilgrimage to makkah at least once a year for those capable financially and physically.